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Leaving Certificate ›› Maths Competency Tests

Senior Cycle Mathematics Competency Tests.

Below you will find the Senior Cycle competency tests. Currently there are two sample Leaving Certificate Tests available for schools, one for Ordinary Level and one for Higher Level.

In order for the tests to be used by as many schools as possible the tests are in Google forms or Microsoft forms format. There is a separate exam for both Ordinary Level and Higher Level. The content of the tests are identical in either format.

The test content is based on the Junior Certificate syllabus. We recommend that schools administer the tests at the beginning of Transition Year or fifth year.

The test may be used for collecting data regarding possible actions that may be taken in your school. The rationale here is that the test can be used for formative assessment.

The advantage of this approach is that:

  • individual and collective weaknesses will be identified early on in the year and appropriate planning, interventions and measures can be taken at an early stage to address the problems or strengths identified
  • areas of weakness give a rationale for implementing a whole-school common approach.

As it is not standardised the test should be tailored to suit the needs of individual schools. The recommended time given for the test is between 40-45 minutes.

The Competency tests can be accessed in the respective formats below.

Google forms:

Senior Cycle Ordinary level

Senior Cycle Higher Level

When you are downloading these forms Google will ask you to copy them to ensure you don’t edit the original. It also means that sensitive student data remains within the control of your school only.

Microsoft Forms:

Senior Cycle Ordinary level

Senior Cycle Higher Level

If you click on this link you can duplicate the form by clicking the duplicate button at the top. Then the form can be shared and edited.

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