Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
News ›› Maths Meets Conference 2022

We are delighted to let you know of our upcoming maths conference which will take place on Saturday October 15th 2022 in Maynooth University. MathsMeet 2022 is a joint conference organised by the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) and the Irish Maths Teachers’ Association (IMTA). The purpose of the conference is to promote the study of Maths and to share best practice. We have an exciting programme planned, including a keynote address by Ed Southall (teacher and author of “Yes, But Why” and “Geometry Snacks”), workshops by Maths teachers, PDST, JCT and invited guests, exhibits by education providers and much more. MathsMeet 2022 is entirely free and lunch and light refreshments will be provided to all attendees. Conference packs with classroom resources will be given to all who attend on the day. After three years of meeting online, this is an opportunity for us to reconnect, chat, collaborate, learn and have fun.

To help us plan for the workshop sessions, we ask that you take a few moments to complete this form Please give each of the suggested workshops a score of 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 (10 being something you are really interested in). This is merely to help us arrange the topics into different workshop blocks. When we have the timetable finalised  in a couple of weeks, we will ask you to formally register for the conference and to select your chosen workshops. If you could please have this form completed by Wednesday September 14th it would help our planning immensely.

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