Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
News ›› Irish Junior Mathematics Competition 2018

The Irish Maths Teachers Association are running their ever-popular Irish Junior Mathematics Competition again in 2018. The competition is targeted at first-year students only and is a great opportunity for schools to promote engagement in mathematics.

The first round of the competition takes place in school on February 28th 2018. One set of question papers and answer key will be posted to each participating school some days before the competition. Each school will be responsible for photocopying the question paper and administering the First Round. A fee of €35 is payable by each school taking part.The top students from the First Round may be invited to compete in the Final at venues to be arranged, provided a certain standard is reached

The deadline for entries is November 30th 2017 and you can download the entry form here.

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