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Nuacht ›› Tuairimí na Múinteoirí ar an taithí a fuair siad trí Reflections on Practice

Liste to teachers sharing their experiences of being involved in Reflections on Practice and why they found it so worthwhile.

Tá múinteoirí mata fud fad na hÉireann ag glacadh páirte i Reflections on Practice ó thús na scoilbhliana 2015/2016. Cloisfidh tú ó na múinteoirí sin sa ghearrscannán thíos.  Cláraigh anois do Maths Counts 2016 chun tuilleadh eolais, ceachtanna samplacha agus ceachtanna beo ó shaineolaí idirnáisiúnta ar an bhfadhbréiteach a fheiceáil.

Reflections on Practice

Listen to teachers’ experiences of Reflections on Practice

† Reflections on Practice is a teacher-centred professional development initiative which brings maths teachers together to discuss their students’ learning and to design effective maths lessons. Reflections on Practice is open to all teachers of maths and is supported by The Department Of Education and Skills and The Maths Inspectorate.

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