Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
News ›› April 2010

Project Maths National Roll Out to all Schools

The Department of Education and Science have posted circular 024/2010 to all schools. This document outlines the implementation of Project Maths in all schools from September 2010 onwards. Revised programmes in Mathematics at Junior and Senior cycle will be introduced on a phased basis in all schools beginning in 2010/11.

To view the circular, click here.

Official Samples papers and Pre Leaving Certificate papers

The State Exams Commision have posted the Official Sample papers and marking schemes for Project Maths on their website, to view, click here.

To view the Pre Leaving Certificate papers and marking schemes developed by the NCCA, click here

Training for ICT on Mathematics, and Strand 1- Statistics and Probability Course

The Project Maths Development Team is pleased to inform you that a course of evening workshops on using ICT to teach Strands 1 and 2 is now available. The PMDT has collaborated with the NCTE to provide this course which will show you how you can use readily available software in your classroom to teach geometry, trigonometry and statistics for both Junior and Leaving Certificate. Local facilitators have been trained and the courses will begin in late March 2010 – early April.

In parallel with this exciting news, the Project Maths Development Team in collaboration with the National Centre of Excellence in Maths and Science Teaching and Learning in the University of Limerick, has trained Local Facilitators to provide workshops on Strand 1: Probability & Statistics. The workshops will focus on new elements of the course, methodology and the use of information technology. They will cover topics from Junior Certificate (all levels) and Leaving Certificate (Ordinary Level) Probability & Statistics and progress to Leaving Certificate Higher Level topics such as Conditional Probability, the Binomial and Normal Distributions. These courses will commence in April 2010.

We hope you will come along to these courses, which will be delivered through the Education Centre network.

View flyer for ICT course | View flyer for Strand 1 Content course

Census at School resource on Probability

Too Many Boys?

Does probability relate to reality? Real data is contrasted with the theoretical probabilities of family make up using the assumption that the probability of having a boy is 0.5.

To view student activity, click here.

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