Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
Conferences ›› Frequently asked questions

What is Maths Counts 2015?

Maths Counts is a national conference for teachers of  Mathematics at post-primary level, with a choice of 20 Parallel sessions, presented by teachers.  Keynote speaker Geoffrey Wake, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham and guest speakers from State Examinations Commission, Maths Inspectorate and National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

Who is the conference for?

It for every post-primary teacher engaged in teaching maths including maths graduates and third level students who will potentially become maths teachers. It will also be of interest to personnel engaged in initial teacher education.

Who is organising it?

The conference is being organised by the Project Maths Development Team;

Where will it take place?

It will take place in University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

(see maps for directions)

When is it on?

Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April 2015.

Friday evening from 6.00 pm – 10.00pm

Saturday from 9.00 am – 4.30 pm

Do I have to attend both days?

No. You can attend on the Friday only, or on the Saturday only, or on both days.

What will take place on the Friday?

The Conference will open at 6.00 pm. There will be an official launch by a Guest of Honour and a Keynote Address by Associate Professor Geoffrey Wake.

This will be followed by canapés & wine reception.

What will take place on the Saturday?

A series of parallel sessions on teaching and learning mathematics and presentations by guest speakers will take place from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m.  The presenters, the majority of whom will be teachers, will be sharing good classroom practices on a broad range of topics.

How much does it cost to attend the conference?

The Conference costs €30 per person. This covers every aspect of the Conference.

If I only attend one day, or part of the conference, will a different fee apply?


What about the reception on the Friday?

Again the €30 covers the reception on the Friday but you must indicate on the registration form that you will be present for this.

How and when will I pay the €30?

Please submit your registration form (see overleaf) along with your payment. Payment can be made by  cheque or bank transfer. Cheque payable to Project Maths.  Payment by both methods MUST be  received by March 20th 2015.

Will lunch be available on the Saturday?

The €30 covers lunch on the Saturday but you must indicate on the registration form that you will be present for the lunch.

Will travel and subsistence expenses be paid?


How can I register?

(a) Registration Form  must be completed and returned to this office by March 20th 2015. Photocopies of this form can be used. Alternatively, you can download a copy here.

(b)  You will have an opportunity to attend 5 of 20 parallel sessions. Thus it is necessary to fill in the registration form clearly with your choice of parallel sessions. You  MUST make choices 1, 2 and 3 in EACH CASE. Every effort will be made to give you your preferred choices but we cannot promise that you will get your first choice in every case.

(c) Priority will be given to those who register earliest.

How will I know that I am registered?

An email will be sent to you confirming receipt of your registration form. Please make sure to provide an email address on the registration form.

Can I register on the day?

No. Everybody must be registered before March 20th 2015.

What about accommodation?

You are responsible for securing and paying for your own accommodation.

Anything else I should know?

There will be an exhibition of stands at the Conference from companies/organisations that relate to mathematics and to education.

If I have further queries what should I do?

Further information about the Conference can be found at or you can contact Grainne Haughney, and Rachel Dunne, for further assistance.

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