Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
Digital Learning ›› Census At School


The new CensusAtSchool website is up and running.

CensusAtSchool is an international post-primary school census, where students can gather and analyse their data from a range of interesting topics. Students can complete an online questionnaire and analyse their own class results. Teachers and students can record, access, share and analyse their own data quickly and easily. When teaching Statistics nothing beats real data!
Have a look at the short video below to learn more.


Getting Started with CensusAtSchool

Here are some brief videos that will help you get started with CensusAtSchool.
Signing Up

How to get a scoilnet account to start using CensusAtSchool

Retrieving Data

How to access, save and share your class data

Random Data Selector

How to get comparable data from around the world

Geogebra Resources for CensusAtSchool

Instructional Videos

Using GeoGebra to analyse CensusAtSchool data.

Spreadsheet View in GeoGebra

How to import CensusAtSchool data and use the spreadsheet view in GeoGebra.

Bivariate Data

How to analyse bivariate data in Geogebra

GeoGebra Files

Graphing and data analysis

This geogebra file presents a histogram that can be manipulated and the “show statistics” button can be used to observe the effect of changing data values.This geogebra file presents a scatter plot that can be manipulated. The impact of adding or removing outliers can be immediately seen both graphically and numerically.

This geogebra file is an example of how probability distributions, z-scores and even hypothesis testing work can be done using CensusAtSchool data in geogebra.


CensusAtSchool Resources

Check out the resources page for free downloadable curriculum based resources. You can browse the whole catalogue or filter these resources by subject area.

Be sure to also check out the activity pack for a comprehensive classroom Statistics resource, or take part in the 2020 census at school project.

Some highlights from last year’s CensusAtSchool results are well worth a look.

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