Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
JC Resources ›› JC Number
This strand focuses on different aspects of number, laying the groundwork for the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Learners explore different representations of numbers and the connections between them, as well as the properties and relationships of binary operations. They investigate number patterns, and use ratio and proportionality to solve a variety of problems in numerous contexts. Learners are expected to be able to use calculators appropriately and accurately, as well as to carry out calculations by hand and mentally. They appreciate when it is appropriate to use estimation and approximation, including to check the reasonableness of results.

-Junior Cycle Specification page 11

The following teaching and learning plans are available:

Ratio and Proportion
Some useful resources for teaching Number can be found on the Workshop and Event Resources Pagein particular, NQT Workshop 4 (2018 – 2019)Project Maths Workshop 3 , Modular Course 3  and Modular Course 4 (2008 – 2015).
GeoGebra tutorials on using the scientific calculator may useful for the teaching of Number.
Explanatory videos for students on the use of calculators may be useful for the teaching of Number.
There are a range of lesson plans developed by teachers available in our Lesson Study Library.
There are a range of resources created by teachers available on Scoilnet to support teaching and learning of Number.
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