Working together to improve teaching, learning and assessment Leagan Gaeilge
Workshop & Event Resources ›› Workshop 5 - Statistics and Algebra


Workshop 5 revisited the topics of statistics and algebra to visit some topics in greater depth. There was also some time given to discussing how to sequence the syllabus. If you missed workshop 5 or want to go back over some of the activities done on the day, you’ll find videos of the full workshop and all the resources used or references during the workshop below.

Workshop 5 videos

Workshop 5

Part 1

Workshop 5

Part 2

Workshop 5

Part 3

Resources used or referenced in workshop

Teacher resource booklet pdf-icon

Overview of statistics pdf-icon

Applications of statistics pdf-icon

The empirical rule pdf-icon

Which graphical representation pdf-icon

Hypothesis testing PowerPoint-icon

Introducing mean and standard deviation PowerPoint-icon

The median in context of peoples heights PowerPoint-icon

The median in context of spaghetti PowerPoint-icon

Using calculators for statistics PowerPoint-icon

Data and charts excel-icon

Height and arm span geogebra-icon

GeoGebra file to accompany correlation tasks in teacher resource booklet geogebra-icon

Introduction to algebra pdf-icon

Road map for algebra pdf-icon

Equality pdf-icon

Order of operations pdf-icon

Array models pdf-icon

Array model resources pdf-icon

Array model for algebra pdf-icon

Teacher notes on array models pdf-icon

Sequencing the syllabus pdf-icon

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